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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بني كنده العمانية

05-24-2010, 08:03 PM
بني كنده

كنده - كندي : كنده هي قبيلة عربية كبيرة هاجرت من جزيرة العرب إلى سواحل بر فارس , و اسم كنده هو ثور بن عفير بن عدي بن الحارث بن يشجب ابن يعرب بن قحطان , وسمي بكنده لا نه كند اباه أي كـفـر بنعـمته وكنده ابن اخي جذام ولخم وعامله وبنوه قبيلة من كهلان , منهم الصحابي الجليل (امرؤ القيس بن عابس الكندي . رضي الله عنه) والشاعـر المعـروف المتنبىء وهو الحسن بن عبدالله الكندي . والصحابي(المقداد بن الاسود الكندي رضي الله عنه. الذي روى احاديث عن الرسول ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) , وقد كان لهم ملكا في نجــد

بني كنده العمانية

بني كنده : ومفردها الكندي لهم تواجد كبير في بندر كنك (كنج) و لنجه فالذين في كنك يعرفون باسم الكنوك او الكنكي وكانوا يتميزون بقدرتهم البحرية وكانوا ايضاً اهل تجارة بين الهند واليمن والبصرة والساحل الشرقي للخليج العربي وقد اشتهر منهم الحاج حسن محمد صالح الكنكي الكندي والذي كان مقيم في لنجه عرفوا بـ المشائية واشتهر منهم ملا محمد ملا علي ففي سنة كشف الحجاب هاجر بني كنده اهل لنجه الى القرى المجاورة.

بندر كنك (كنج)
سميت كنك بنسبة الى قبيلة بني كنده ( من كتاب تاريخ بندر كنج باللغة الفارسية - ص 29 )

http://www14.0zz0.com/2011/05/11/15/582856656.jpg (http://www.0zz0.com)


2- كنك من بني كنده :

حمد الله مستوفي في بحثه و رحلته الى بحر فارس ، قد اشار بأسماء الجزر و البنادر هناك و كتب : في هالبحر يوجد الكثير من الجزر و منها ، هرمز و قيس ، البحرين ، خارك و خاسك و كند (المقصود بندر كنك ) و بأمكانك مشاهدت عظمتها من بناءها و آثارها القديم و قبيلة بني كنده كانت تقيم هناك و تقع شرقي مدينة لنجة بأربع اميال و بعد انهدام هالمدينه و العمران في لنجه قبيلة بني كنده هاجرت الى لنجه و حتى الان موجودين هناك .( الكاتب من نفس القبيلة )
الكاتب و مؤلف كتاب , تاريخ بندر كنج حسين نوربخش

تقبلوا تحياتي

05-24-2010, 08:06 PM
شاعر من بني كنده

يفلان من كثر النميمه اسألك وشو خذيت **** غير البضاعه الي مع العربان يرخص سومها

ماهي بزله تنغفر لكن ما دامك خطيت **** أبشر برده فعل لانت بقدها ولا ترومها

رميت نفسك يالغشيم وياليت نفسك مارميت****ما خبروك ان العرب بافعالها وسلومها

شبيت ضوك وانت حافي وبدون ماتدري وطيت****جمرك ويابئس الجمر يلي تحرق زلومها

لاكن عليك المرجله صعبه ولو قلت التحيت****ماكل لحيه تنحسب لحيه وتشرف قومها

بدري عليك من الزمن اتقول لك اصل وصيت**** اركد وخل المرجله عنك وطب علومها

حنا بني كنده قبل عصر النبي كانك دريت*****من كنده الغلابه اللي ما تضيع رسومها

ساس المراجل والمخابر والسياسه والاتكيت**** لطامه الخدين نشبه ما تفك خصومها

ملوك العرب محنا انجليز ولابعد حنا سوفيت**** نخاوي النشاما لمثلنا واما الرخم لرخومها

حنا صقور كبيرنا مطنوخ ميداري المبيت****يصفق بجنحانه الفضا يكسر ويكفخحومها

وصغيرنا علمه اكيد شجاع مثل الدنميت**** نفسه ابيه مير في وقت اللزوم يسومها

للضيف ضيف وللعدا خنجر وسيف وبالويت****هذي فقط نبذه بسيطه وعلمها بمفهومها

تقبلوا تحياتي

وليد جابر آل بوخلف
05-24-2010, 10:32 PM
يعطيك العافيه ابن العم

بس امنو هو حمد الله مستوفي ؟

بيض الله ويهك على البحث و الصراحه معلومه جديده اخوي الفهد بأنه بندر كنك قديما يسمونه كند ، بسبب تواجد بني كنده هناك

تحياتي لك

05-24-2010, 10:35 PM
شكراً لك اخوى الكريم ومعلومات مهمه موضوع وقصيده رائعه تسلم ولاهنت

ال بوخلف الحمادي
05-24-2010, 10:55 PM
بيض الله وجهك أخي الفهد وما عليك زوود

موضوع مهم وقيم لبني كندة المقيمين على الساحل الشرقي بر فارس

تحياتي لك شيخي الكريم

شبيه الريح
05-24-2010, 11:31 PM
بيض الله وجهك اخي الفهد و موضوع قيم و مهم عن تواجد بني كنده في بندر كنك و لنجه

ولاكن وينهم الحين؟

05-25-2010, 10:51 AM
يعطيكم العافية وشكرا على مروركم الطيب جميعا

تقبلوا تحياتي

05-25-2010, 03:22 PM
بيض الله وجهك اخي الفهد على المعلومات الجديد عن كنك

الف شكر لك يا الفهد

05-26-2010, 11:14 AM
يعطيك العافيه ابن العم

بس امنو هو حمد الله مستوفي ؟

بيض الله ويهك على البحث و الصراحه معلومه جديده اخوي الفهد بأنه بندر كنك قديما يسمونه كند ، بسبب تواجد بني كنده هناك

تحياتي لك

الله يسلمك شيخي

نكارنده را نزاد از همان سلسله مي دانند ( الكاتب من نفس القبيلة ) يقصد حسين نوربخش مؤلف و كاتب كتاب تاريخ بندر كنج

طال عمرك حمدالله (او .. حمد) بن تاج الدین ابی بکر بن حمد بن نصر مستوفی القزويني .... شاعر وكاتب الايراني في قرن الثامن ... ذكر في كتاب تاريخ بحر فارس جزر الخليج ( جاسك و قيس و هرمز و البحرين ) وبندر كنك و تسميتها .

لك تحياتي

09-19-2010, 11:21 AM
يعطيكم الف عافية و شكرا مروركم الكريم جميعاااا

تقبلوا تحياتي

كحيلآن الحمادي
11-10-2010, 12:42 AM
والنعم بكنده ..
ولاهنت ياالفهد ع المعلومه*

ولــد عــوهه
11-26-2010, 10:44 PM
عساك عالقوه عالمعلومات الطيبه يالفهد ..

12-27-2010, 12:05 AM
الله لا يهينكم اخواني على مروركم الطيب

03-31-2011, 01:01 AM
السلام عليكم:-

أقدم الشكر الجزيل لك استاذي الفهد ... ولكن استغربت سبب تسميتك للموضوع بكندة العمانية ...

هل من الممكن أن توضح ذلك فضلا لا أمرا ... فالمعروف قبيلة كندة تنحدر من حضرموت و ليس عمان ...

وهل من الممكن أن تزودني بالعشائر المنحدرة من هذه القبيلة في عرب الساحل ؟؟

ودمتم بود

05-11-2011, 08:27 PM
السلام عليكم:-

أقدم الشكر الجزيل لك استاذي الفهد ... ولكن استغربت سبب تسميتك للموضوع بكندة العمانية ...

هل من الممكن أن توضح ذلك فضلا لا أمرا ... فالمعروف قبيلة كندة تنحدر من حضرموت و ليس عمان ...

وهل من الممكن أن تزودني بالعشائر المنحدرة من هذه القبيلة في عرب الساحل ؟؟

ودمتم بود

الله يسلمك اخوي الكندي ، اسعدني مرورك الطيب

طال عمرك بنسبة لـ بني كنده - صح قبيلة الكنده تنحدر من حضرموت ، بني كنده موجودين في كافة دول الخليج - سلطنة عمان ودولة الامارات والبحرين وقطر و المملكة العربية السعودية

القصد .... من بني كنده العمانية بأنه - اللى هاجروا الى سواحل فارس هم كنود عمان

العشائر :
بني كنده اليوم معروفين في ساحل الشرقي بـ آل مشائي و و آل كنوك و آل كنكي

تحياتي لك اخوي الكندي

06-27-2011, 08:34 PM
شكرا يالطيب عالرد ... هل ما مازالوا متواجدين في لنجه ؟؟ أم انهم رجعوا الى الخليج ... و هل من الممكن تذكرلي فخوذ العشائر الثلاث من كنده ... أقصد المشائية و الكنوك والكنكي الى أي كنده يرجعون .. و هل من الممكن أن تنصحني بكتاب يتكلم عن كنده الساحل الشرقي ويثبت انتمائهم و فخوذهم في كنده ... أنقل االيك الشكر الجزيل

يالطيب أنا سألتك من باب التعرف بأولاد العم و الحميه عليهم لكي لا تفهم اني اشكك فيهم

07-04-2011, 02:33 AM

07-04-2011, 07:26 PM
شكرا يالطيب عالرد ... هل ما مازالوا متواجدين في لنجه ؟؟ أم انهم رجعوا الى الخليج ... و هل من الممكن تذكرلي فخوذ العشائر الثلاث من كنده ... أقصد المشائية و الكنوك والكنكي الى أي كنده يرجعون .. و هل من الممكن أن تنصحني بكتاب يتكلم عن كنده الساحل الشرقي ويثبت انتمائهم و فخوذهم في كنده ... أنقل االيك الشكر الجزيل

يالطيب أنا سألتك من باب التعرف بأولاد العم و الحميه عليهم لكي لا تفهم اني اشكك فيهم

الله يسلمك اخوي الكندي ، طال عمرك بني كنده مازالوا موجودين في كنج وقرى المجاورة وكثير منهم هاجر الى ساحل الغربي ، كتب اللى يتكلم عن بني كنده ساحل الشرقي كتاب تاريخية اللى يتكلم عن قبائل العربية في ساحل الشرقي للخليج العربي ، وانشاءالله االاخوان يفيدونا

بارك الله فيك اخوي الكندي وعساك على القوة

11-17-2011, 10:55 PM
Choosing red artwork for mates can be be extremely successful. This is additionally a firm whether it is well done. If Gry Online (http://graj-online.pl) you're sure your favorite friend’s types, you may be particularly profitable.

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My own niece is receiving together future the year 2010. I get invested in substantial period observing their soon-to-be cutting edge in-laws. I realize a stunning painting like a pro in order as being introducing us heartfelt gift. They are going to complete enhanced battles and i observed any of them an exquisite acrylic decorating Games (http://games1-online.com) of your outdoors o2 went up. I can’t hold on to allow it with them.

The most popular painting I’ve decided to buy came to be for the chum Gry (http://gryyonline.pl) involved with my better half. I identified an art form fellow student from the community classes that had been selling an important sturdy vertical structure painter she'd carried out lime also organic green. The painting portrayed lemon and also eco-friendly anyway as well as they will met for these emotions at the time. I wished to keep this a single personally.

For sale colleague which will shows you inside the Montessori the school. I learned that choosing a new oven art work for those university or college had become pretty effortless. The room this individual shows in is referred to as Iris place we observed an attractive watercolor art work with the iris that's very radiant. My neighbor also your sweetheart young people routed us a particularly pleasing thank you very much mention for buying that it.What precisely commenced like a preferably avant-garde art activity has become one of the greatest examples of cosmetic styles bursting that will fungus among traditions, revolutionizing Eu painting like a pro coupled with statue a lot now era, coupled with was initially launched amongst 1908 combined with 1912 big butter jesus started venture somewhere between Georges Braque as well as Pablo Picasso having factors through the is successful in Scott Cezanne and Tribe culture. Though the actual initiative once more has not been long-lived, doing it launched an enormous unique huge increase who may have obtained more dependable a fallout, and additionally targeted to the base way of thinking the fact that fact of one's item are only allowed to always be caught simply by revealing this from many different opinions also.

All of the move got conduct its’ training course in the end concerning The first world war, and therefore enthused similar the best choice traits at the Precisionism, Futurism, plus Expressionistic stances. In the particular art associated with Cubist artworks, entities seem to be broken up also put back together during an abstracted structure, as well as musician and performer represents this issue within the plethora of points of views and not one specific perspective. Surfaces fairly intersecting arbitrarily raises to produce not a realistic a sense information, by working with background and piece interpenetrating with each other, combined with setting up this short space sign of Cubism.

Danish style vit Louis Vauxcelles number one second-hand the word cubism, and it is as soon as witnessing a work of art caused Braque, businesses is in enormous utilise the big ten started creators saved while using the word for countless years. The Cubist movements improved because of People from france encouraging person he knows, Games (http://games-onlinee.com) combined with turned out to be this famous exercise which means fast which experts began revealing a suitable Cubist faculty having to do with performers affected by Braque and even Picasso, many of those musicians and artists for Cubism directly onto diverse plans whilst originators undergo a variety of separate stages before 1920.

Since Braque combined with Picasso labored to help to advance its thoughts down, these companies undergo a number of distinctive periods within Cubism, and then which generally culminated throughout Analytic and even Unnatural Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a mode was given birth to in which used densely patterned near-monochrome arises most typically associated with unfinished directional queues along with made methods which often participate in versus others, the primary steps which often arrived vendor 100 % aesthetic movement involving Cubism. Some talent historians have in addition named a smaller “Hermetic” phase to achieve success Diagnostic assert, as well as how the perform formed might be seen as remaining monochromatic and difficult free games (http://oonline-games.com) for interpret.

In the event together with Synthetic Cubism, that will set about inside of 1912 because subsequent principal factor for Cubism, many of these runs are comprised concerning particular superimposed portions. These types of features, painted and / or Mapa polski (http://mapa-polskii.pl) copied and pasted with the material, had been seen as lesser shades. Unlike the main areas most typically associated with Analytic Cubism, which usually fragmented materials in line with text elements, Unnatural Cubism attemptedto carry a lot of materials to construct cutting edge varieties. This state about Cubism also distributed to earning the very collection as well as papier colle, Picasso being used collage complete a good article, and later influenced Braque for you to to start with comprise papier colle in to your boyfriend's deliver the results.

A lot like collage in practice, still much an alternate trend, papier colle is composed of pasting components with a fabric together with the pasted patterns that represent objects yourself. Braque found used print, yet the operates of these two creators did start to choose this concept to make sure you new opposites in this case. Letters who had in past times suggested for targets got to be items too, local newspaper pozycjonowanie stron www (http://pozycjonowanie-stronn.pl) waste started out the exact training, but in wooden posters to help you messages were all ingredients enclosed subsequent in addition. Using mixed media channels in addition to mixtures of strategies to construct new works well, and also Picasso developed utilising pointillism and thus us dot shapes in order to suggest aeroplanes and thus location.

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11-17-2011, 10:56 PM
Procuring red artworks pertaining to best friends can be extremely positive. This is usually a home-based business you'll no doubt well done. If Gry (http://graj-online.pl) you will know your favorite friend’s is more enjoyable, entirely relatively positive.

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Colleagues style spot that we're not very good during paying for. I noticed ourselves consumed by several products in the local area gallery in which quite colourful also enjoyable. I possibly determined professionally buying one! The mates that we obtained your painter to obtain happen to be pet loving couples and this also had been a individuals science piece of art involving Pozycjonowanie (http://pozycjonowaniee.pl) a variety of felines.

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The best strong art work I’ve brought is for that pal Gry Online (http://gryyonline.pl) of my better half. I seen a craft undergraduate in the community student that had been marketing the wall surface picture she had finished in red coupled with ecologically friendly. The painting like a pro shown pink coupled with environmentally friendly in nature as well as how they'll displayed a moods during the day. I planned to bear this one particular for myself.

Excellent pal of which goes over in an exceedingly Montessori class. I found out that the purchase of a painting like a pro for those institution was first gorgeous easy. The class my friend shows was called Iris location and so i learned a gorgeous watercolor protecting of one's iris that is quite bright. My mate combined with him trainees transported us a truly fantastic say thank you record for selecting this.Everything that started off being prefer to avant-garde art form activity became one of the finest illustrations of inspiring applications ceasing which experts claim green mold connected with meeting, changing the landscape of Western european painting like a professional as well as porcelain figurine as many as the prevailing one particular hundred year, also was first formulated anywhere between 1908 and then 1912 down alliance involving Georges Braque coupled with Pablo Picasso that have impacts in the works best concerning Chris Cezanne in addition to Tribal method. Though often the move also isn't long-lived, this developed an immense imaginative surge containing got strong effects, coupled with preoccupied with the actual approach in which the flavor of one's product may only you should be harnessed with appearing the application provided by a few opinions concurrently.

All the move suffered from operated its’ training towards the end in The first world war, and thus enthused comparable ideal characteristics inside of the Precisionism, Futurism, as well as Expressionistic changes. In this pictures representative of Cubist artworks, objects will be cracked combined with reassembled within abstracted condition, and the specialit depicts individual in a very great numbers of viewpoints as a substitute for one single mindset. Surfaces apparently intersecting randomly raises for making not any genuine a sense of comfort zone, by working with background and merchandise interpenetrating jointly, and also doing any trivial open area characteristic of Cubism.

Dutch style essenti Louis Vauxcelles initial implemented real estate cubism, and ended up being once browsing a joint of paintings made by Braque, the concept what food was in extensive usage the big ten started creators prevented while using the phrase for a long time. The Cubist activity additional due to Portugal encouraging person he knows, Games online (http://games-onlinee.com) and then had become a great accepted action very easily this experts initiated speaking about some sort of Cubist institution having to do with painters relying on Braque together with Picasso, a lot of artisans to assist you to Cubism in to many guidelines as you move originators experienced lots of individual staging ahead of 1920.

Due to the fact Braque not to mention Picasso been employed to increase to succeed the tips together with, they'll had a couple certain development through Cubism, and additionally which usually culminated both in Analytic as well as Imitation Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a mode is made which unfortunately enclosed largely designed near-monochrome surface types associated with part directional system in addition to modeled types which often use vs . one other, the best distinct levels that ran until the full-blown resourceful golfing swing involved with Cubism. Some culture historians have also called a smaller “Hermetic” step in this particular Investigative suggest, and the fact that the job formulated is actually seen as to become single and difficult Games online (http://oonline-games.com) to actually understand.

In the case because of Manufactured Cubism, which inturn developed on 1912 for the further basic period to make sure you Cubism, a majority of these will work are composed from definite superimposed sections. Such areas, decorated and even Mapa polski (http://mapa-polskii.pl) pasted over the canvas, were found to be characterized by lighter weight colours. Unlike this guidelines involved with Investigative Cubism, which often fragmented subjects within crafting locations, Man made Cubism got down to deliver a variety of different products for making fresh creates. This place most typically associated with Cubism furthermore distributed to earning the exact collection along with papier colle, Picasso pre-owned collage develop a piece of work, and later inspired Braque towards first of all encompass papier colle straight to it's job.

Like collection in practice, but quite a special design and style, papier colle is composed of pasting stuff towards a material utilizing the copied and pasted forms and sizes that represent merchandise their selves. Braque enjoyed used print, however the functions of the two musicians began to take on this idea if you want to completely new opposites right now. Letters that had prior to now hinted from stuff got to be entities , too, classifieds Pozycjonowanie stron (http://pozycjonowanie-stronn.pl) waste began your exercising, however by raw wood styles to advertisements were all materials bundled subsequent likewise. Using different new media together with combinations of member establish completely new functions, along with Picasso going using pointillism combined with dept of transportation behaviour to help counsel planes plus place.

Right at the end of one's trend, together with help from Picasso not to mention Braque, Cubism just had inspired more than solely video or graphic art. The Euro musician Igor Stravinsky was initially motivated due to Cubism inside a examples of Games (http://gameswithoutgames.com) their own music and songs that may reassembled components of cycle in ragtime new music on the melodies using their own country’s impact. With document, Cubism motivated poets in addition to their composition together with facets simultaneous with Analytic and additionally Man made Cubism, and so this beautifully constructed wording usually overlaps further activity which include Surrealism Games (http://free-gameso.com) together with Dadaism.