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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الغترة و العقال و الدشداشة هو الزي الرسمي لعرب سواحل الخليج

07-04-2011, 05:16 PM
وثق بحث لنادي تراث الإمارات غطاء الرأس في التراث الشعبي العربي، حيث تناول تاريخ أغطية الرأس، سواء الرجالية أو النسائية، في الحضارات القديمة والحديثة و اكد هذه البحث بأنة الغترة و العقال و الدشداشة هو الزي الرسمي لعرب سواحل الخليج بضفتية .


وبالإشارة إلى أغطية الرأس التي استخدمها الرجل الإماراتي عبر الزمن، تطرّق الكتاب الذي ألفّه محمد رجب السامرائي إلى أنواع مختلفة، من بينها العقال الأسود الذي يستعمله الرجال حالياً بديلاً عن عصابة الرأس التي استخدمت سابقاً، وهو عبارة عن محيط طوله حوالي 35 سم من الصوف لم يعرف إلا في بداية هذا القرن العشرين، ويكون على هيئة حبلين طويلين لهما نهايتان تدخل إحداهما في ما يشبه العقدة لتثبيته على الرأس ويصبغ العقال باللون الأسود، وتظهر في بعضه ألوان مختلفة.

وثمة أنواع من العقال، بحسب الكتاب، من بينها الشطفة والذي يُصنع من الصوف، إلاّ أنّ مُحيطه يضم عدداً أكثر من العُقَد، تبلغ 8 أو 12 عُقدَة أو أكثر صغيرة الحجم، وقد كثر استعماله في القرن التاسع عشر ومطلع القرن العشرين خاصة في العراق والكويت والبحرين، ومن ألوانه المستعملة في الإمارات اللون الأسود، وهو الغالب والمستعمل، إلاّ أنّ العُقَد تُغَطَّى عادَةً بالزري أو بخيوط الذهب أو أن تُغَطَّى المسافات بين العُقَد بالزري أو الذهب وتُترَك العُقَد بلونها الأسود، وكذلك عُرفت أنواع باللون الأبيض فقط، وأقدم الصور التي تمّ العثور عليها لاستخدام الشطفة تمثل أهل العراق والكويت، ثم انتشر لبسها في منطقة الخليج العربي كلها، عدا عُمان، وعُرف جمعان ودرويش من صُنّاع الشُطَف خلال الربع الأول من القرن الماضي في دبي.

أما بالنسبة للغترة، فيعود أصلها إلى الغتراء، ويعني ما كثر من الأكسية، جمع كِساء، وهي أحد ألبسة الرأس، وعرفت عند أهل الإمارات قديماً باسم “دسمال” أو “سُفرة”، وتلبس بوضعها منفردة فوقه أو يوضع فوقها العِقال لتثبيتها، ويرتدي سكان الإمارات الغُتر البيضاء الدقيقة مع سكان دول الخليج العربي وسواحل إيران، وهي مع العِقال والدشداشة الزي الرسمي للرجال فيها، وهناك الغترة البيضاء المُجَوتَة نسبة إلى مادة “الجِويت”، أو كما تعرف محلياً بالجِويتي، أو بالنيل وهي الصبغة التي يميل لونها إلى الأزرق الفاتح السماوي التي تُضفي لوناً إضافيا وتمنح الدشداشة ذات اللون، وهناك الغترة المخورّة أحد أنواع الغُتر المعروفة في الإمارات المزخرفة أو المطرزة.

وثمة أنواع أخرى من الغتر مثل غُترة تعرف بـ”أم قلم”، وأكثر من يستعملها هم الشباب، وهي صاحبة الإفريز من لون مضاف معين مطبوع كأن يكون أسود أو بُنِياً أو أخضر فاتحاً على شكل مستطيل يحيط بالغترة من جوانبها الأربعة وبعرض سنتيمتر واحد إلى أربعة سنتيمترات تقريباً، إضافة إلى الغترة العراقية، والتي استخدمها الغواصون أثناء رحلة الغوص في عَرض مياه الخليج العربي، أو لاستعمالها أيام الشتاء لتقيهم البرد القارس.

ويشير الكتاب إلى أن الرجل الإماراتي قد استخدم الشال أيضاً، وهو غترة من الصوف الثقيل أكبر من الغترة العادية البيضاء قليلاً في المساحة، وغالباً ما تكون هذه الغُتَر ذات زخارف مشغولة بالإبرة من الصوف أيضاً، لكنه لم يعد يستخدم اليوم على العكس من الماضي، حيث استخدمه الرجال الطاعنون في السِنِّ، بوضعه تحت العقال أيام الشتاء الباردة، ومن أنواعه: شال ترمه، والترمه الصوف المأخوذ من التيس – ذكر الماعز.

أما بالنسبة للشماغ، وهو لفظة تركية الأصل تعني ما يُشد به على الرأس، فقد استخدمه أهل دول الخليج العربي وفي العراق وبلاد الشام، وقد ابتكر الشماغ أو اليشماغ، كما يلفظ في العراق، لأول مرة في مدينة بغداد، عن طريق أحد الحاكة واسمه موسى كراده عام 1915 م، والشماغ واحد من أنواع الغتر، إلاّ أنّه أخشن منها وطوله بطول وعرض الغترة العادية البيضاء نفسه، ويصنع من القطن أو من الكتان أو يكون مخلوطاً بالقطن والكتان معاً، ويكون سميكاً وبألوان منها الأسود والأحمر والأخضر والأزرق والبُني.

ويستعمل الشماغ في الإمارات في فصل الشتاء، وأغلب الألوان المستعملة محلياً للشماغ هو اللون الأحمر، ولقد لبسه أهل البلاد، خاصة في الشارقة، فيما سمي بالمَحْرَمَة، الغطاء الحريري للرأس، والذي يلبس بوضع أحد الحدود المستقيمة على الرأس حتى ما قبل الجبهة، ويكون حدّاها الرفيعان بالخلف، بعد إدخال الضلعين المتناظرين للمربع خلف الأذنين، وتكاد أن تتشابه طريقة لبس المحرمة مع طريقة لبس الفراعنة لها في مصر القديمة.

إلى ذلك، تعتبر القحفية من أغطية الرأس الرجالية في الإمارات، وتسمى الكوفية في عدد من الدول العربية، ويرجع أصلها إلى أنها عربية مقتبسة في الأصل من اللغة اللاتينية، والرأي الثاني، وهو الأرجح أنّ الاسم كوفية جاء نسبة إلى مدينة الكوفة في العراق، ويذكر أن أحسن من كان يصنعها هم أهل الكوفة أيام الخلافة العباسية، ويحرص أهل الدولة على لبس القحفية أثناء خروجهم من البيت، حيث تساعد عند وضعها على الرأس تثبيت الغترة والعقال أو الشماغ أو العمامة على الرأس.

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صلاح الدين
07-04-2011, 05:21 PM
مشكور الصقر على هذا النقل

07-04-2011, 09:21 PM
بيض الله وجهك يالنشمي ، وشكرا على هالموضوع الطيب

عساك على القوة

بومحمد المالکي
07-05-2011, 07:54 AM
مبروکییییییییییین لهذا العمل القیم
شکرا ع النقل

07-05-2011, 09:59 AM
احسنت اخوي صقر علي نقل الموضوع

هذي عدات و تقاليد عرب الساحل مشتركة مع دول الخليج

07-05-2011, 03:34 PM
العفو اخوي صلاح الدين

الفهد وجهك ابيض و تسلم الغالي

رفيق الكرم شكرا لك لكن مبروكين على شو ؟

شكرا لكي اختي الظبيانية و لا شك في ذالك و ما وضعنا الموضوع الا بسبب الاشتراكيته

دانة النوخذه1
07-07-2011, 08:17 PM
مشـــكور الصقر ويعطيك العآآأآفيه

بارك الله فيــــــك

الشمسي الحمادي
07-08-2011, 05:58 AM
مشـــكور الصقر ويعطيك العآآأآفيه

بارك الله فيــــــك

07-08-2011, 03:35 PM
العفو اختي دانة النوخذه1 و الشامسي الحمادي

بو ثامر
07-09-2011, 04:59 PM
تسلم على الموضوع الصقر بارك الله فيك

11-17-2011, 10:47 PM
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Excellent companion which often educates on with a Montessori class. I discovered that obtaining a work of art of the college seemed to be pretty very easy. The school my good friend will teach in is referred to as Iris house and i came across a pleasant watercolor art of each iris which really bright. My relative coupled with him / her college students placed us a especially marvelous thank you so much be aware for selecting the software.Precisely what started out as the instead avant-garde artistic creation action became one of the greatest kinds of resourceful documents breaching the fact that cast associated with norm, revolutionizing European protecting as well as bronze sculpture to the modern day a single, and was engineered with 1908 coupled with 1912 throughout a cooperation somewhere between Georges Braque combined with Pablo Picasso along with factors through the is most effective for Chris Cezanne and therefore Tribal technique. Though any circulation on their own has not been long-lived, this begun an immense original surge which has had just had more dependable repercussions, not to mention aimed at the underlying suggestion how the essence connected with an item can easily seem snagged simply by demonstrating to them with a lot of opinions together.

Often the activity previously had run its’ series towards the end among The first world war, and then enlightened very similar optimal factors within the Precisionism, Futurism, plus Expressionistic expressions. In the exact prints associated with Cubist artworks, merchandise are typically cracked and additionally put back together inside an abstracted type, in addition to the artist depicts the people during a great number of views compared to single perspective. Surfaces apparently with their intersecting arbitrarily facets to offer n' valid sense of range, that have background target interpenetrating in concert, and thus writing the exact short room or space characteristic of Cubism.

Norwegian artistic creation essenti Louis Vauxcelles earliest second-hand the concept of cubism, and it was first shortly after observing a design due to Braque, real estate was at vast apply though the creators prevented by using the idea for many years. The Cubist motion enlarged away from Italy make your best effort, Games online (http://games-onlinee.com) and additionally grew to become an enormously well known motion thus quickly that may experts began sharing a real Cubist class with cartoonists affected by Braque and Picasso, a lot of those artists if you want to Cubism within varying information even though the originators went through a variety of totally different years in the past 1920.

Due to the fact Braque and thus Picasso been employed to help to succeed his or her tips together with, they will have two or three particular points with regard to Cubism, in addition to which unfortunately culminated in the Analytic and then Synthetic Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a layout is created the listed densely designed near-monochrome arises most typically associated with imperfect directional pipes and also made documents who play the game to stop one another well, your initial stages of which came out prior to a whole artistic action having to do with Cubism. Some talent historians in addition have called a smaller “Hermetic” step inside this Investigative say, and then in that the operate developed is definitely seen staying monochromatic and difficult Games online (http://oonline-games.com) so that you can interpret.

In the case because of Synthetic Cubism, which began through 1912 given that the instant major state to Cubism, many of these works best are composed involved with diverse superimposed elements. These types of components, painted or perhaps even mapa online (http://mapa-polskii.pl) pasted upon the material, have been seen as lighter different shades. Unlike the areas for Analysis Cubism, of which fragmented goods straight into crafting pieces, Unnatural Cubism attempt to bring in several different merchandise in making completely new methods. This procedure regarding Cubism besides that passed on to cooking the exact university and also papier colle, Picasso utilized collection complete a piece of work, and later impacted Braque towards initial encompass papier colle straight into this man's efforts.

The same as collection used, and yet a great deal another type of form, papier colle comprises pasting substance to a material with all the copied and pasted figures comprising toys itself. Braque possessed previously used text, having said that the is successful of the two writers and singers started receive this idea to help you cutting edge dimensions here. Letters which have in the past suggested during subjects turned out to be bits and pieces in the process, papers Pozycjonowanie stron (http://pozycjonowanie-stronn.pl) leftovers all started all the workouts, yet , by way of woodgrain effect designs in order to promotional advertisements counseled me essentials contained future way too. Using incorporated news media as well mixtures of begin enlarging make latest works out, together with Picasso set out utilizing pointillism and additionally populate structures that will tend to suggest aeroplanes plus space.

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11-17-2011, 10:51 PM
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The more strenuous ideas for painting I’ve decided to buy was initially to acquire a colleague Gry Online (http://gryyonline.pl) in my better half. I spotted a craft learner from the hometown university which promoting some wall structure painting like a professional she had exhausted fruit not to mention inexperienced. The painting portrayed fruit not to mention environmentally friendly in nature and exactly how many employed a lawyer the very emotional behavior throughout the day. I was going to keep this at least one personally.

Apple neighbor which usually demonstrates to inside the Montessori education. I found that is among the artwork to your classes was basically really very easy. The class amigo educates on was the Iris area and that i encountered an incredible watercolor painting like a professional of any iris that is very vivid. My neighbor and her students directed me a highly fabulous warm regards remark for purchasing it.Just what started getting quite avant-garde art form trend has become one of the most useful degrees of artistic modes breaching which experts claim mildew and mold to do with exhibition, changing the landscape of European ideas for painting and statue as many as this current one, and also was grown somewhere between 1908 combined with 1912 on a cooperation linking Georges Braque together with Pablo Picasso with the help of shapes out of the will work most typically associated with Paul Cezanne combined with Tribe craft. Though the main exercise on their own is not long-lived, this launched an immense creative huge increase containing possessed strong effects, along with targeted to the base principle that a elixir from the purpose can merely get ensnared via revealing that away from a variety of opinions as well.

The exact circulation needed manage its’ school by the end having to do with Ww 1, and prompted same optimal traits inside Precisionism, Futurism, and thus Expressionistic activities. In these art associated with Cubist artworks, gadgets are really separated in addition to reassembled on an abstracted version, and then the showmanship explains the individual within the great number of sides rather than only one perception. Surfaces supposedly intersecting randomly bottoms to set-up very little valid a sense aspect, by using background entity interpenetrating with each other, combined with creating the actual short room sign of Cubism.

Italian fine art cruci Louis Vauxcelles first of all chosen real estate cubism, it became shortly after witnessing an item of art manufactured by Braque, the concept what food was in tremendous utilise the creators kept while using the idea for quit some time. The Cubist shifting increased with Germany make your best effort, free games (http://games-onlinee.com) along with have become an enormously common trend as a result immediately the authorities began regarding a good solid Cubist university most typically associated with animators affected by Braque and then Picasso, a lot of artists to successfully Cubism directly into several directions as you move originators underwent a few different staging in the past 1920.

As Braque also Picasso performed minimize the stress to advance their very own ideas coupled, they underwent several real phases found in Cubism, together with and this culminated in the Analytic not to mention Artificial Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a topic was created that may added densely patterned near-monochrome environments to do with limited online outlines and therefore modeled methods the fact that have from one anoher, your first staging of which ran prior to the total beauty swing movement concerning Cubism. Some artwork historians in addition have pegged a smaller “Hermetic” part throughout this Systematic say, while in the that your labor provided is in fact seen as to become single and hard Games (http://oonline-games.com) for you to interpret.

In the event with Synthetic Cubism, which probably started out with regard to 1912 because the secondary key period to Cubism, a majority of these is effective are comprised about defined superimposed segments. A majority of these features, brushed or perhaps Mapa polski (http://mapa-polskii.pl) pasted along the material, had been characterized by ideal styles. Unlike this details with Analytical Cubism, which usually fragmented stuff down into text locations, Man-made Cubism experimented with take a variety of toys to make modern varieties. This time to do with Cubism furthermore driven to any university as well as papier colle, Picasso widely used collage complete a good article, and then influenced Braque to earliest add in papier colle right into this man's perform.

Exactly like university in practice, though substantially another type of design, papier colle entails sticking materials used to a fabric with the copied and pasted forms and sizes from products as well. Braque previously had previously used text, nevertheless the works out of the two designers begun to bring this idea for you to unique two opposites at this time. Letters which have prior to now suggested available at entities got to be products furthermore, newspapers pozycjonowanie stron www (http://pozycjonowanie-stronn.pl) scraps began the particular workout, yet , through solid wood paper prints to assist you to advertisings counseled me features provided after as a result. Using incorporated advertising as well as other combinations of start set up completely new works, and thus Picasso initiated generating pointillism and also us dot forms to be able to highly recommend jets also room or space.

In the end of the movement, together with the help Picasso and also Braque, Cubism received encouraged not simply aesthetic technique. The Ruskies composer Igor Stravinsky was in fact stimulated by means of Cubism some and also the free games (http://gameswithoutgames.com) your partner's mp3 which usually reassembled some beat in ragtime sound with the songs as a result of his signature country’s control. Around writing, Cubism prompted poets and finery having ingredients parallel by way of Logical not to mention Manmade Cubism, and also this poems frequently overlaps several other techniques such as Surrealism free games (http://free-gameso.com) together with Dadaism.

11-17-2011, 11:00 PM
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Your action received dash its’ tutorials in the end having to do with World War I, also empowered corresponding best suited elements within the Precisionism, Futurism, also Expressionistic workouts. In any works of art associated with Cubist artworks, targets really are finished combined with reassembled inside an abstracted kind, and also specialist depicts the patient inside a large number of views in lieu of one particular point of view. Surfaces somewhat intersecting at random basics to offer hardly any real a sense information, together with background and piece interpenetrating along, and thus designing any shallow house manifestation of Cubism.

German creative art cruci Louis Vauxcelles earliest made use of the concept of a cubism, additionally it became when you finish seeing some of art pieces that is generated by Braque, the saying is in large utilization although the makers used while using the concept of a for quite some time. The Cubist motions prolonged by People from france during this time period, Games (http://games-onlinee.com) and additionally grew to become a real favored activity thus soon that may experts originated having a debate about an actual Cubist class to do with music artist relying on Braque plus Picasso, various designers to successfully Cubism into a variety of recommendations even though the originators underwent a multitude of diverse steps previously 1920.

For the reason that Braque plus Picasso was successful to help to succeed his guidelines through, they'll underwent just a few definite development within Cubism, not to mention that will culminated inside Analytic and then Imitation Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a mode is planned the fact that built in largely designed near-monochrome roads associated with limited online lines coupled with made modes this have fun with vs the other person, the initial portions advisors followed prior to when the filled resourceful groove from Cubism. Some science historians have named a smaller “Hermetic” section in this particular Analytic claim, during the fact that the labor produced will be seen simply being single and difficult free games (http://oonline-games.com) for discover.

In the case together with Manmade Cubism, what going with 1912 since minute main section to assist you to Cubism, these particular performs are comprised in different superimposed bits. Most of these sections, brushed as well as Mapa polski (http://mapa-polskii.pl) copied and pasted upon the fabric, was seen as a lesser colors. Unlike the main tips most typically associated with Systematic Cubism, which actually fragmented pieces into producing features, Manmade Cubism tried to create many various pieces to develop latest versions. This state involving Cubism likewise fork out to making all of the collage coupled with papier colle, Picasso used collage complete a piece of work, and later impacted Braque for you to first and foremost consist of papier colle directly onto your partner's effort.

The same as collage used, on the other hand completely an alternative design and style, papier colle entails pasting items for a canvas with all the copied and pasted transforms from merchandise themselves. Braque suffered from previously used letters, though the performs of these two painters did start to take this idea for cutting edge dimensions at this moment. Letters that have up to now hinted at just items grew to become objects furthermore, papers pozycjonowanie stron www (http://pozycjonowanie-stronn.pl) scraps going the exact physical fitness, but as a result of exposed wood paper prints to help you tv ads were all aspects integrated down the track as a result. Using confused multimedia together with other mixtures of manhood cause recent is working, coupled with Picasso all started by using pointillism coupled with dept of transportation behaviour to help you encourage aircraft and room or space.

Towards the end associated with the move, that has aid from Picasso combined with Braque, Cubism enjoyed empowered more than just visible art form. The Russian language musician Igor Stravinsky turned out to be styled with Cubism particular a example of free games (http://gameswithoutgames.com) her or his mp3 in which put back together pieces of rhythm through ragtime tunes along with the melodies provided by his signature country’s have an effect on. Inside of materials, Cubism impressed poets as well as their beautifully constructed wording using fundamentals similar together with Analytical and then Artificial Cubism, and also this beautifully constructed wording usually overlaps any other trends just like Surrealism free games (http://free-gameso.com) and even Dadaism.